Derek Toh, Founder & CEO - WOBB

Derek has been an auditor at one of the Big 4 firms in London, a former business leader at a global recruitment firm and a mentor for a Youth Leadership Academy. 

He has been a speaker at a debate moderated by BBC World News and spoke at various conferences including MaGIC, MDeC, and MIA. Today, he is leading WOBB to be Malaysia’s Leading Youth Career Platform.


EP 1: Interview Questions For Fresh Graduates

If you’re a HR person trying to decide who to hire or a fresh grad wondering what questions to ask in an interview, check this out.

EP 2: The Secret To Finding The Right Job

One of the most common question that is always asked on Offwerk is how does one find the right job and company.

EP 3: Will We Be Replaced By Machines?

As technology changes and becomes better, lots of industries will be experiencing some major changes in the coming years.

Hear what Derek has to say about how Artificial Intelligence will change the way we work and hire.

EP 4: 3 Tips To Start Your Own Business

Keep your job or start your own business? For everyone with an entrepreneurial dream, it’s one of the biggest struggles they’ll have.
Derek has been through that struggle. Let him give you 3 tips to help you start your journey!

EP 5: Who Will Be Leading The Future

It’s often said that the future generation will be doomed but is that really true?

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