Joachim Ooi - Talent and Culture Manager, Photobook

As the Talent & Culture Manager of Photobook Worldwide, Joachim has journeyed far from where he first started as a Computer Science Graduate.

His positive energy and enthusiasm are known to be extremely infectious and he believes that a leader’s job is not to do the work for others, it’s to help others figure out how to do it themselves and to succeed beyond what they thought possible.


EP 1: I'm Disabled. Will You Hire Me?

Have you ever wondered how it’s like for a differently-abled person to look for a job?

Joachim shares his insights on how companies should approach the hiring process and what you can do to spot companies that are open to hiring differently-abled people.

EP 2: Why Did I Get Rejected?

Do you often apply to jobs and get no replies? Not sure what went wrong? Wondering why isn’t anyone telling you anything?

Joachim shares what actually goes down behind the hiring process and what you can do to try and get feedback.

EP 3: Your Experience Is Irrelevant

As a fresh graduate with no experience, what do employers actually look for?

Joachim shares his tips on what you should include in your CV to catch their attention and show that you are serious about the job.

EP 4: A Beautiful Office Is Not A Good Workplace

When looking for a job, every single one of us wants to work for a “great” company. But what exactly makes a company a great workplace?

Listen to what Joachim has to say about this and how you can help make your company a great place.

EP 5: How Much Salary Are You Worth?

Everybody wants to have a comfortable salary, but it’s a sensitive topic to bring up.

Joachim shares how salary is determined and how you can talk about it with potential employers.

EP 6: My Boss is Abusing Me. Help!

A cry for help from an employee who has been disrespected and abused by his boss.

Joachim gives his thoughts and advice on how they should move forward.

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